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Live Blood Analysis Microscope

Live Blood Analysis Microscope

Live Blood Analysis Microscope-DK202Live Blood Analysis Microscope-DK202

Live Blood Analysis Microscope-DK202

Model: DK202

In general, live blood darkfield microscope need an additional darkfield condenser to complete its function. When the operator tests live blood, has to set the darkfield condenser first. After that, he has to take off the darkfield one, uses the brightfield condenser to observe dry blood. The operational procedure is complex.

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Live Blood Analysis Microscope-DK201Live Blood Analysis Microscope-DK201

Live Blood Analysis Microscope-DK201

Model: DK201

In general, live blood darkfield microscope need an additional darkfield condenser to complete its function. When the operator tests live blood, has to set the darkfield condenser first. After that, he has to take off the darkfield one, uses the brightfield condenser to observe dry blood. The operational procedure is complex.

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